API Usage

All methods assume that a valid API key is already available. Please take a look at Anvil API Basics for more details on how to get your key.

Anvil constructor

  • api_key - Your Anvil API key, either development or production
  • environment (default: 'dev') - The type of key being used. This affects how the library sets rate limits on API calls if a rate limit error occurs. Allowed values: ["dev", "prod"]


from python_anvil.api import Anvil

anvil = Anvil(api_key="MY_KEY", environment="prod")


Anvil allows you to fill templatized PDFs using the payload provided.

template_data: str (required)

The template id that will be filled. The template must already exist in your organization account.

payload: Optional[Union[dict, AnyStr, FillPDFPayload]]

Data to embed into the PDF. Supported payload types are:

  • dict - root-level keys should be in snake-case (i.e. some_var_name).
  • str/JSON - raw JSON string/JSON payload to send to the endpoint. There will be minimal processing of payload. Make sure all required data is set.
  • FillPDFPayload - dataclass (see: Data Types)

version_number: Optional[int]

Version of the PDF template to use. By default, the request will use the latest published version.

You can also use the constants Anvil.VERSION_LATEST_PUBLISHED and Anvil.VERSION_LATEST instead of providing a specific version number.


from python_anvil.api import Anvil

anvil = Anvil(api_key="MY KEY")
data = {
    "title": "Some Title",
    "font_size": 10,
    "data": {"textField": "Some data"}
response = anvil.fill_pdf("some_template", data)

# A version number can also be passed in. This will retrieve a specific
# version of the PDF to be filled if you don't want the current version
# to be used.
# You can also use the constant `Anvil.VERSION_LATEST` to fill a PDF that has not
# been published yet. Use this if you'd like to fill out a draft version of
# your template/PDF.
response = anvil.fill_pdf("some_template", data, version_number=Anvil.VERSION_LATEST)


Anvil allows you to dynamically generate new PDFs using JSON data you provide via the /api/v1/generate-pdf REST endpoint. Useful for agreements, invoices, disclosures, or any other text-heavy documents.

By default, generate_pdf will format data assuming it's in Markdown.

HTML is another supported input type. This can be used by providing "type": "html" in the payload and making the data field a dict containing keys "html" and an optional "css". Example below:

from python_anvil.api import Anvil

anvil = Anvil(api_key="MY KEY")
data = {
    "type": "html",
    "title": "Some Title",
    "data": {
      "html": "<h2>HTML Heading</h2>",
      "css": "h2 { color: red }",
response = anvil.generate_pdf(data)

See the official Anvil Docs on HTML to PDF for more details.

payload: Union[dict, AnyStr, GeneratePDFPayload]

Data to embed into the PDF. Supported payload types are:

  • dict - root-level keys should be in snake-case (i.e. some_var_name).
  • str/JSON - raw JSON string/JSON payload to send to the endpoint. There will be minimal processing of payload. Make sure all required data is set.
  • GeneratePDFPayload - dataclass (see: Data Types)


Queries the GraphQL API and returns a list of available casts.

By default, this will retrieve the 'eid', 'title', 'fieldInfo' fields for the casts, but this can be changed with the fields argument.

  • fields - (Optional) list of fields to return for each Cast


Queries the GraphQL API for data about a single cast.

By default, this will retrieve the 'eid', 'title', 'fieldInfo' fields for the casts, but this can be changed with the fields argument.

  • eid - The eid of the Cast
  • fields - (Optional) list of fields you want from the Cast instance.
  • version_number - (Optional) Version number of the cast to fill out. If this is not provided, the latest published version will be used.


Queries the GraphQL API and returns a list of available welds.

Fetching the welds is the best way to fetch the data submitted to a given workflow (weld). An instances of a workflow is called a weldData.


Returns the currently logged in user. You can generally get a lot of what you may need from this query.


Retrieves zip file data from the API with a given docoument eid.

When all parties have signed an Etch Packet, you can fetch the completed documents in zip form with this API call.

  • document_group_eid - The eid of the document group you wish to download.


Generates a signing URL for a given signature process.

By default, we will solicit all signatures via email. However, if you'd like to embed the signature process into one of your own flows we support this as well.

  • signer_eid - eid of the signer. This can be found in the response of the createEtchPacket mutation.
  • client_user_id - the signer's user id in your system


Creates an Anvil Etch E-sign packet.

This is one of the more complex processes due to the different types of data needed in the final payload. Please take a look at the advanced section for more details the creation process.

  • payload - Payload to use for the packet. Accepted types are dict, CreateEtchPacket and CreateEtchPacketPayload.
  • json - Raw JSON payload of the etch packet


Creates an Anvil submission object. See documentation for more details.

  • payload - Payload to use for the submission. Accepted types are dict, ForgeSubmit and ForgeSubmitPayload.
  • json - Raw JSON payload of the forgeSubmit mutation.

Data Types

This package uses pydantic heavily to serialize and validate data. These dataclasses exist in python_anvil/api_resources/payload.py.

Please see pydantic's docs for more details on how to use these dataclass instances.

Supported kwargs

All API functions also accept arbitrary kwargs which will affect how some underlying functions behave.

  • retry (default: True) - When this is passed as an argument, it will enable/disable request retries due to rate limit errors. By default, this library will retry requests for a maximum of 5 times.
  • include_headers (default: False) - When this is passed as an argument, the function's return will be a dict containing: {"response": {...data}, "headers": {...data}}. This is useful if you would like to have more control over the response data. Specifically, you can control API retries when used with retry=False.


from python_anvil.api import Anvil

anvil = Anvil(api_key=MY_API_KEY)

# Including headers
res = anvil.fill_pdf("some_template_id", payload, include_headers=True)
response = res["response"]
headers = res["headers"]

# No headers
res = anvil.fill_pdf("some_template_id", payload, include_headers=False)

Using fields that are not yet supported

There may be times when the Anvil API has new features or options, but explicit support hasn't yet been added to this library. As of version 1.1 of python-anvil, extra fields are supported on all model objects.

For example:

from python_anvil.api_resources.payload import EtchSigner, SignerField

# Use `EtchSigner`
signer = EtchSigner(
  name="Taylor Doe",
  fields=[SignerField(file_id="file1", field_id="sig1")]

# Previously, adding this next field would raise an error, or would be removed from the resulting JSON payload, but this
# is now supported.
# NOTE: the field name should be the _exact_ field name needed in JSON. This will usually be camel-case (myVariable) and
# not the typical PEP 8 standard snake case (my_variable).
signer.newFeature = True